In doing a quick Google Search, you will not be hard-pressed to find resume templates and an onslaught of tips and tricks. What is important to note, however, is that a resume should be crafted using some of the unspoken rules that employers are looking for.
A Resume is Your Highlight Reel
Especially during this post-pandemic job hunt surge, we are overly anxious to be sure that employers know JUST how much experience and potential you can bring to the table. The reality remains that an exhaustive list will get you a pass harder than just submitting your name on a piece of paper. What they are really looking for is your highlight reel. Similar to when you want to show off your amazing vacation with your “perfectly behaved kids” on Instagram, the same mindset should apply to your resume. You only want to display the most notable and high-impact items to attract the attention of the hiring managers.
Know Your Audience
Creating a highlight reel is a great place to start. Launching it to the next level will require you to know the specifics behind the jobs you are seeking to secure. Better than knowing how awesome you are is knowing how to correlate that awesomeness to the specific role for which you are applying. Do the work for the hiring manager by telling them that you are good at “x” and this is why it will work harmoniously with their organization. The easier you can make the hiring manager’s job, the better.
Quantify, Quantify, Quantify
Metrics are your best friend. Saying you did something is one thing, backing it with data is another. If someone approached you on the street and told you they could do a quadruple backflip you’d probably think that was pretty cool and then get on with your day. It wouldn’t be until they did it right in front of you that you’d think 1: “wow they CAN actually do that” and 2: “that’s a pretty amazing accomplishment”. Being able to prove your professional acumen and subject matter expertise will far outweigh any arbitrary, attractive looking statement.
Be Prepared to Know it Backwards and Forwards
You have your resume completed and it’s something awesome. Turning it in and securing the interview goes swimmingly. The final step to having an excellent resume is to be able to enhance your highlight reel with your voice. Now is the time to get out all of those items that are relevant but not appropriate for the resume document itself. The interview will be where your resume becomes a talking point, and not the main feature. Accurately representing your resume and having your resume represent you will be sure to impress hiring managers and decision makers alike.
Hiring a Professional Service
Some people don’t even know this is an option. Well, we are here to tell you that it absolutely is! Let a professional writer take all of your hard work and lay it out in a way that is not only attractive but compliant with industry standards and hiring managers expectations. The best investment you can make is in your future. Leave the stressful work to the professionals so you can focus on your new desk decor. You’ll be happy you did.